
How a Bad Assumption can Bite You...Literally

How a Bad Assumption can Bite You...Literally

I’ve previously talked about how making assumptions can be dangerous in the “What are Assumptions Costing You?” blog post. Well here is an example of how a bad assumption can bite you…literally. Warning: If you easily get squeamish, you may want to skip reading this blog post.

The below happened to me a few weeks ago and here is what I’ve since learned.

What are Assumptions Costing You?

What are Assumptions Costing You?

Watching all the controversy around the President and frequency in which he was being tested for Covid-19, brings up the topic of assumptions. Many people assumed the President was being tested daily. Given the below, several are now questioning whether he was in fact getting tested daily, and whether he actually became Covid-19 positive earlier than Oct 2nd.

  • Many Covid-19 patients get worse around day seven to ten into their diagnosis

  • The President only announced his positive Covid-19 diagnosis early the morning of Oct 2nd

  • By the evening of Oct 2nd the President was being medevaced by helicopter to Walter Reed Hospital

As change agents and leaders, we are constantly in work and personal situations where we have the opportunity to make assumptions. What is an assumption? And how dangerous can they be?