Call Center Skills

How Well does Customer Support Answer Questions?

How Well does Customer Support Answer Questions?

Over the last month and a half, I had quite the customer service experience with my car insurance broker and car insurance provider. All to get an answer to two questions on the renewal of my car insurance policy. Two questions…sound simple?

As you can tell from the duration of the back and forth, turned out to be far from straightforward. So many things went awry there are several blog posts I could write, and, today I’m going to focus on how their customer service did at answering my questions.

What abilities were the customer service representatives and customer supervisor lacking that resulted in their own manager being shocked once the escalation reached her?  Would customer service for the product / service you’re responsible for do any better?

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  • See what:

    • My customer experience was

    • Abilities the customer service personnel below the manager were lacking

  • Reflect on these questions to see if customer service for the product / service you’re responsible for would do any better