
How Accurately are you Reading Communications?

How Accurately are you Reading Communications?

As you prepare for the holidays doing your gift shopping, decorating, baking, planning, cooking, and more, it can feel like a very busy or even stressful time of year.  And when you’re busy, you may be more prone to hurry through your to-do list.  On that to-do list is probably several communication items, whether it’s responding to emails or texts, an invitation, a proposal, deciding what your response is going to be to a recent presentation at work, or some other communication item.  The question is, how accurately are you reading these communications before responding to them?

Now your first thought may be, “of course I’m accurately reading them.”  And, what if this thought is actually untrue at times?  Click Read More to see if these situations ever happen to you and what misreading a communication may be costing you.