Taking for Granted

How Much do You Take Progress for Granted?

How Much do You Take Progress for Granted?

Many in the U.S. are understandably feeling very disappointed in the Supreme Court’s recent decisions to:

  • Overturn Roe v. Wade which provided a federal constitutional right to an abortion for almost 50 years

  • Loosen limits on carrying guns in public in New York State where a law had been existence for over 100 years

  • Remove the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to regulate carbon emissions from power plants which they have done for the last seven years

The disappointment is because these decisions are taking the U.S. backwards to a time in the past. All examples of the Supreme Court majority advocating for the past.

As change agents and leaders, many of us have seen when new leadership comes in, how a transformation initiative that was a priority to the old guard of leadership, all of a sudden falls by the way side under new leadership. The question is, how surprised are you when this happens?

If you’re surprised when this happens, how much are you taking progress for granted? What does taking progress for granted look like?