How are you Keeping your Spirits Up?


It’s now Feb 2021 and how are you feeling?  Are you looking forward to the year? Or are you frustrated with the monotony of the pandemic, being at home so much, miss traveling, and being around people?  Or maybe you’re feeling all of the above and more.

Several have asked me how I’ve kept my spirits up during Covid-19 so I figured it was time to write a blog post on this.  Here are five ways I’ve been able to keep my spirits high:

  1. I focus on how I can help and be of service to others. It can be very easy to get caught up in frustration, misery, and depression when you’re focused on yourself. It’s harder to do so when you’re focused on helping another person, especially since positive emotions tend to follow helping another.

  2. I make sure I get plenty of social interaction via Zoom, phone calls, and socially distanced walks with masks. Human beings are social creatures, we’re not meant to be in isolation for such a long period of time. Social interaction contributes to mental health.

  3. When I am feeling frustrated, down, or upset, I do release resentment work. I have no fear of turning inward, identifying and feeling all the emotions surrounding a particular resentment, and identifying my role in the situation as I know I will come out of the deep emotions feeling lighter and so much better.

  4. I exercise whether it’s shoveling snow, dancing in my living room, hauling firewood, etc. I get those endorphins going which can transform negative emotions.

  5. I keep going until I find a solution that works for me, the most important of them all. I’ve watched so many people give up assuming there is nothing they can do to make themselves feel better during this pandemic. This unfortunately then creates their reality. What if there is something that will help you feel better if you just open your mind and try something new?

As change agents and leaders, the feelings we bring with us to work and our loved ones matter, as emotions are contagious.  What would you rather be spreading around you, peace and joy? Or fear, anger, and sadness?

Call to Action

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About the Author: Rosanne Essiambre helps change agents and departments in one-on-one and group settings to be seen, be heard, and be effective in bringing about change in the organization and/or in their personal lives. She provides consulting and facilitation to organizations to improve communications and collaboration, smooth out the change / transformation journey, get to the root cause of an issue so it can be solved for good, improve processes, and implement successful lessons learned. And she conducts workshops, trains, and speaks on Energy Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Resilience, Being a Change Agent and more. If you or your organization could use support with your change effort or some inspiration, contact Rosanne for a complimentary consultation. Rosanne is a Change Agent Coach, Facilitator, Six Sigma Black Belt, Change Management / Continuous Improvement Consultant, Speaker, and Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner with more than 20 years experience working on a variety of transformations across a diverse set of industries both domestically and internationally, while continuously improving herself.