
How Much do you Enjoy the Drama?

How Much do you Enjoy the Drama?

Watching the midterm elections in the U.S. brings the word “drama” to mind. There’s the current dramas of:

  • Which political party is going to be in control of the House of Representatives in 2023

  • Some 2020 election deniers getting into office who will have control over the voting process in their states

  • Who will be running for President in 2024

There’s the recent dramas of:

  • Which political party was going to be in control of the Senate in 2023

  • All the political ad campaigns that attacked the opposing candidate, and included phrases and images designed to elicit fear, anger, and other strong emotions from Americans

  • The scandals breaking around the various political candidates

  • Several candidates running for office who are 2020 election deniers (i.e. a Congress Member who voted against certifying the 2020 election results or would have done this if they were in office at the time, publicly said the 2020 election was rigged or stolen, or still publicly questions the 2020 election results)

As change agents and leaders, we are very accustomed to being around drama. With change comes strong emotions. Where there are strong emotions, drama is bound to follow. Whether it’s drama with:

  • Stakeholders

  • A team

  • Our boss or coworkers

  • A vendor

  • A merger and acquisition or some other aspect of the transformation

Or perhaps it’s drama with:

  • Family (especially with holiday gatherings coming up!)

  • Your kids

  • Friends

  • Your partner

The question is, how much do you enjoy getting wrapped up in drama? Click Read More to ask yourself these questions to find out. You may be surprised to find you actually like drama more than you consciously thought you did!