Crisis Management

How Well do you Weather Storms?

How Well do you Weather Storms?

Who knew two months later I’d be writing about a toilet again. On Sep 26th I went into my basement to find a sewage flood had occurred in the laundry room sometime that weekend. Unfortunately it had seeped into the carpeting the prior homeowners had installed in the adjacent basement living room. The same carpeting with asbestos tiles underneath I was planning to remediate down the road. So much for that plan.

As change agents we’re frequently making plans, whether it’s a plan for how to manage a change / continuous improvement in an organization, or a plan for something in our personal life. Undoubtedly something ends up going awry at some point with the plan.

Sometimes it’s a small interruption that simply ends up being a pebble along the way. And other times, it’s quite the storm that shows up and completely blows away the plan like my sewage flood. The question is, how well do you weather these storms? Read on to see what my sewage flood “storm" has entailed and reflect on how well would you have handled this storm?