
How Well do you Advocate for Yourself?

How Well do you Advocate for Yourself?

It has been quite a last month. Before I get into what’s been going on, let me start by saying I have a history of being a medical anomaly. I have been the 0.002% of the population to get one medical condition. I have been the 0.001%-0.064% of the population to get another medical issue, and the list goes on. So what I’m about to share falls right in line with this history.

Before I get into that, we all go through times of being unwell as its part of being human. The question is, when you’re under the weather, how well do you advocate for yourself?

Had I ignored my intuition, and followed my doctor’s advice in early April, my health issue could have gotten a LOT more serious than it already was. Here’s what happened…

How Well do you Weather Storms?

How Well do you Weather Storms?

Who knew two months later I’d be writing about a toilet again. On Sep 26th I went into my basement to find a sewage flood had occurred in the laundry room sometime that weekend. Unfortunately it had seeped into the carpeting the prior homeowners had installed in the adjacent basement living room. The same carpeting with asbestos tiles underneath I was planning to remediate down the road. So much for that plan.

As change agents we’re frequently making plans, whether it’s a plan for how to manage a change / continuous improvement in an organization, or a plan for something in our personal life. Undoubtedly something ends up going awry at some point with the plan.

Sometimes it’s a small interruption that simply ends up being a pebble along the way. And other times, it’s quite the storm that shows up and completely blows away the plan like my sewage flood. The question is, how well do you weather these storms? Read on to see what my sewage flood “storm" has entailed and reflect on how well would you have handled this storm?

How Much Sisu do you Have?

How Much Sisu do you Have?

Watching the Covid numbers rise once again across the country, and talking to many people who feel they’re on an emotional rollercoaster during this pandemic, a word I recently learned comes to mind. That word is sisu (pronounced see’-soo). According to, “Sisu is a Finnish term that can be roughly translated into English as strength of will, determination, perseverance, and acting rationally in the face of adversity.” Sisu is the quality that lets the Finnish people pick themselves up, learn something from previous failures, and overcome adversity.

Reflecting back 15 years ago to when I was consulting in Finland, I now realize the invitation an American coworker and I received from a Finnish colleague to jump in the ocean in the dead of winter (i.e. ice swim) and then sauna, is one of the ways for the Finnish people to demonstrate and / or build up their sisu, in addition to being a way to address the winter blues. My American colleague and I both politely declined the offer as we were both quite content to stay warm indoors. And if I had known then what I know now about sisu, I may have made a different choice.

As change agents and leaders, we can frequently encounter challenges, setbacks, and adversity at work. Encountering so much adversity in our personal life however may or may not be familiar. Now that you know what sisu is, which of the below describes your sisu when it comes to adversity at work? How about in your personal life?

How has Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Inspired You?

How has Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Inspired You?

What a sad day it was on Friday Sep 18th when we learned Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) had left this Earth. What a resilient and tough as nails change agent she was. Below are just some of the difficult things she went through in her lifetime and despite these difficulties, she persevered and accomplished all of the below.