
How Well do you Advocate for Yourself?

How Well do you Advocate for Yourself?

It has been quite a last month. Before I get into what’s been going on, let me start by saying I have a history of being a medical anomaly. I have been the 0.002% of the population to get one medical condition. I have been the 0.001%-0.064% of the population to get another medical issue, and the list goes on. So what I’m about to share falls right in line with this history.

Before I get into that, we all go through times of being unwell as its part of being human. The question is, when you’re under the weather, how well do you advocate for yourself?

Had I ignored my intuition, and followed my doctor’s advice in early April, my health issue could have gotten a LOT more serious than it already was. Here’s what happened…

Do You Advocate for the Past, Present, or Future?

Do You Advocate for the Past, Present, or Future?

As change agents and leaders, we're frequently advocating for change. A change from current state to future state. The thing is, just because it's called “future state” doesn't mean the change is actually moving people, the organization, or society forward. There are plenty of changes being advocated for that are actually taking people, organizations, or society backwards. So the question becomes, as a change agent / leader, how much have you been advocating for the past, present, or future? How does the answer differ for your work vs. your personal life?

What does advocating for the past, present, and future at work look like?