
How Much do you Identify the Root Cause of your Health Issues?

How Much do you Identify the Root Cause of your Health Issues?

For those in the U.S. as you enjoy this holiday weekend, let’s remember what Memorial Day is about…honoring those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. May their sacrifice be a reminder of what really matters in life. Our health being one of these things as it’s hard to accomplish our goals without our health.

As change agents, we’re frequently working to identify and address root cause of an issue in an organization. Well finding root cause doesn’t just apply to organizations, it’s very applicable to our health as well. The question is, when you have a health issue going on, how much are you utilizing your change agent skills to identify root cause?

What does identifying root cause of a health issue look like? See below for my journey to identify root cause of the DVT near my right shoulder that landed me in the ER in early April. The root cause is most likely going to shock you.

How Well do you Advocate for Yourself?

How Well do you Advocate for Yourself?

It has been quite a last month. Before I get into what’s been going on, let me start by saying I have a history of being a medical anomaly. I have been the 0.002% of the population to get one medical condition. I have been the 0.001%-0.064% of the population to get another medical issue, and the list goes on. So what I’m about to share falls right in line with this history.

Before I get into that, we all go through times of being unwell as its part of being human. The question is, when you’re under the weather, how well do you advocate for yourself?

Had I ignored my intuition, and followed my doctor’s advice in early April, my health issue could have gotten a LOT more serious than it already was. Here’s what happened…

A Customer’s Experience of Group Practice Doctors in MA during COVID-19

A Customer’s Experience of Group Practice Doctors in MA during COVID-19

First I want to say thank you to all the doctors, nurses, hospital staff, and healthcare professionals in the hospitals right now on the front lines, doing their best to save lives with limited supplies while putting their own health at risk. You are heroes!!!

Second, to the doctors in group practices in Massachusetts, remember your oath and who your customers are. Ask yourself, how well are you really serving patients right now? If it was your mother, your father, your son, or daughter, would you really speak to them the same way you're currently speaking to your patients? Are you doing what’s best for your patient in these trying times? Or are you doing what’s best for you?